Welcome to Balneaire

We are the Parramatta property management service provider you can rely on for all your needs. Get in touch!

Selling Services in Parramatta

selling house in ParramattaWe comprehend that marketing your Parramatta property with a skilled and expert real estate agent can make a distinction between making a huge sale and losing out.

Our professionals also understand that every property has its special aspects; thus we endeavour to take care of the private needs of every homeowner.

Whenever you list your Parramatta property for sale with us, we will partner with you and develop the ideal marketing method that will maximise sales.

We provide a host of resources that will assist you through the sales process. We are devoted to ensuring that you make the right property choices.

Selling your property is one of the most personally and economically considerable obstacles you can go through in your life, and this is why we have invested in systems and human resources to offer you as much support as you need.

Our team is experienced in selling property in Parramatta.

In every action of the process, we will work with you in preparing how we will develop the very best market price of your property to maximise revenue.

We will bring in our internet marketing tools and extensive social media following to assist you in the marketing process and capture the attention of as many potential customers as possible.

Expect your property to reach the maximum price when it reaches the highest number of potential purchasers.

Our selling services include;

• Establishing a plan
• Customized and thorough marketing strategy
• Professional photography
• Offering info to renters and other stakeholders
• Comprehensive repairs, landscaping and bond cleaning
• Open house showing and scheduling visits
• Price settlement and tactical follow up

For these services and a lot more, contact us!

Do you have a property in Parramatta? Is it bringing the rental income you expected when constructing it? Connect with us and get a rental appraisal now!